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DSI Formosa育華興科技有限公司為雷射技術服務公司含雷射焊接、修補、表面處理、雷射專用線材、設備及其附屬部件。精密無變形的雷射技術,焊接修補模具、工具及工件。服務的範圍可從精密細微甚至20噸的金屬模具或工件。

DSI Formosa is a service center for laser welding & reparing, surface treatment, filler materials and equipment and devices. Our Laser-deposit-welding and repair’s technology is precision and no shape distortion. For the mold, die and metal parts production, the range of size is from precision micro size to large volume up to 20 tons.


    剪切工具及板金成形模 Cutting Tool and Forming Tool

Laser beam can be focused to a small point, and wire is available form 0.1~0.8mm diameter. Wire material can be fused and bonded easily by the high energy density beam with the material of parts or moulds, which can be made of Steel, Aluminum, Copper, Titanium, Nickel or Cobalt alloy etc. The repaired or welded tools or parts are free distortion and free metallurgical defect. Laser welding deposit can be applied in the field of moulds, dies, tools and parts from small precision to larger and heavy ones.

    板金及鍛造成形模 Forming and Forging Mold
鋁合金模具Aluminum Mold 壓鑄模 Die Casting Mold 塑膠模 Plastic Mold
鋁件、鋼件及引擎零件Aluminum, Steel and Engine Parts

育華興科技有限公司 高雄市林園區潭頭里潭平路455號 Tel: 886-7-6416121 886-919156246 Fax: 886-7-6425365
Http://www.yiuhwalaser.com.tw  E-mail: